I have used the technology magazine to get images about techs because I simply like the cool stuffs coming up. The image of the hand is about a robot doctor. On top of it, I have placed something great, like president Trump. Using a cool looking chemical image and DNA that is made from legos. I achieve a great project 1A.
After I was done with the chemicals, I started drawing the technical hands by using the lines of the hand and did not mind the shadows of it. Adding Trump's head on top of it made it even greater and abstract.
First I added the picture of lego DNA on bottom-right. Then I figured out that it was because of the line and added another one on top-left as a continuous of the bottom-right line. The top-left line was made to have more swift and to have the flow of movement.
Positive & Negative space
In the end I wanted to reflect the chemicals as a reflection of each other. This means if the chemical on right is black then it's white on the left. This added more effect of the difference between chemicals. It seems like yin & yang.
Tracing paper, Repetition
At first I draw the chemical thing on the left but it seemed like it was missing something. So I have added on the right side also. The use of repetition and tracing paper occurs here.
After I was done with the chemicals, I started drawing the technical hands by using the lines of the hand and did not mind the shadows of it. Adding Trump's head on top of it made it even greater and abstract.
First I added the picture of lego DNA on bottom-right. Then I figured out that it was because of the line and added another one on top-left as a continuous of the bottom-right line. The top-left line was made to have more swift and to have the flow of movement.
Positive & Negative space
In the end I wanted to reflect the chemicals as a reflection of each other. This means if the chemical on right is black then it's white on the left. This added more effect of the difference between chemicals. It seems like yin & yang.
The artwork in the end was in my opinion very well made and I really enjoyed while doing it. I was happy to use the learned techniques.
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